Tag Archives: RGB


I have alluded to a visor that permits correct independent stimulation of the left and right visual fields.This is an open-eye system. I am aware of nothing better for ganzfeld.

These are cropped images, excluding build details. The dark patch over the nose is not visible when in use.

I have named the system TriField  (C)2010 because it uses three illuminated regions corresponding to left eye/left field, left eye/right field + right eye/left field and right eye/right field.

Using the Procyon’s three colour output, outputs assigned to regions, I have driven this visor and found far more relevant EEG responses than I have found with the usual left eye/right eye approach. To fully drive the device requires 9 channels – RGB left, RGB centre and RGB right.

Distinguishable responses can be achieved with regions of flicker while most of the visor is statically illuminated or slowly changing colour. Some very beautiful visuals are possible.

This is another of my inventions that I have no desire to develop into a commercial product. When a product does eventually appear on the market, just remember you saw it here first.
