Tag Archives: Proteus

Tuning Into The Astral

When theta is strong experiences some recognize as astral, others divine, yet others places of nightmares and demons, are likely to occur. Or maybe theta is strong when these experiences are occurring.

Either way, I have found a useful way of facilitating these states using the simplest of theta beats and gentle light flashing (red/black). Best if used with speakers rather than headphones. Also good if the room can be darkened enough to use the light of the AVS glasses to provide closed-eye stimulation without having to wear them – I’ve used all sorts of ways of blu-tacking, taping, hanging, reflecting the LED glasses.

Over a period of a few nights, probably best non-consecutive, spend half an hour with an isochronic beat at a pitch that pleases you at bottom of the theta range, say 4Hz. Make a note of the beat rate and any impressions of the experience. Next session, repeat with the beat 0.5Hz faster. Continue until you have a general impression of your “sweet spot”. You can then backtrack and fine tune in 0.1Hz steps if you wish.

Note that this is not the same as using EEG to find a personal dominant theta frequency. These experiences rarely correspond to the measured dominant. 

When you subsequently want to take a visit to the theta realm, start off with a few minutes at the last beat frequency you used, your most recent “sweet spot”. Adjust up and down a couple of 0.1Hz steps – it should only take a few minutes at each setting for you to know if it feels right. You can then settle in for whatever duration you choose.

Along with alpha, I have found much of what I have needed in the theta realm. It can be approached two distinct ways. On the one hand, you can just plunge in and see what happens – who shows up, where you end up, etc. On the other, you can build a scenario or pose a question during the early part of the session. Either way, much more likely results will ensue if intent is promptly forgotten. Theta is below conventional consciousness – any deliberate thought while attempting to work with theta will ensure beta or, at the very least, alpha to take priority.

The simple session required can be created with any AVS software, free or commercial and many AVS devices, such as the Kasina, Procyon or Proteus can be easily programmed.
